
Scope Note: To identify the different parts of an electronic address and details necessary to contact and/or communicate with someone. Resources consulted for value terms and scope notes include:


Scope Note: Directions to get to a geographic location or feature, eg by for public transport.


Scope Note: Email address(es) of an agent; it is recommended to use the Recommendation E.123 (2001) Amendment 1 (05/08) for printed representation of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and web addresses, here eg:


Scope Note: Fax number(s) of an agent; it is recommended to use the Recommendation E.123 (2001) Amendment 1 (05/08) for printed representation of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and web addresses, here eg: +31 42 123 4568


Scope Note: An electronic address, ie a website, used by an agent


Scope Note: Mobile phone number(s) of an agent; it is recommended to use the Recommendation E.123 (2001) Amendment 1 (05/08) for printed representation of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and web addresses, here eg: +31 123 45 67 89


Scope Note: Landline phone number(s) of an agent; it is recommended to use the Recommendation E.123 (2001) Amendment 1 (05/08) for printed representation of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and web addresses, here eg: +31 42 123 4567