Default entity types

Schema: EAC-CPF 2.0

Context: Encoding the type of agent being described in an EAC-CPF instance

Description: Following the chapter 5.1.1 Type of entity in the International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (ISAAR-CPF), EAC-CPF includes the element <entityType> within the <identity> section to define whether the entity being described is an organization of some kind, a person, or a family. Meant to provide a standardized anchor supporting interoperability across variations of local applications of EAC-CPF, <entityType> itself cannot have text, but requires the attribute @value to be used with either “corporateBody”, or “person”, or “family”. These three types are designed to be mutually exclusive, so that <entityType> also cannot be repeated.


    <entityType value="corporateBody"/>
    <nameEntry status="authorized" languageOfElement="de">
        <part>ICARus - Internationales Zentrum für Archivforschung</part>
    <nameEntry status="authorized" languageOfElement="en-gb">
        <part>ICARus - International Centre for Archival Research</part>
    <localTypeDeclaration id="GNDO">
        <reference href="">Gemeinsame Normdatei 
        <entityType value="person"/>
        <nameEntry status="authorized">
            <part localType="" 
            localTypeDeclarationReference="GNDO">Gustaf IV Adolf</part>
            <part localType="" 
            localTypeDeclarationReference="GNDO">Kung av Sverige</part>
    <localTypeDeclaration id="MARC21_MainEntry_PersonalName">
        <reference href="">MARC 21 Bibliographic 
        Full 100 - Main Entry-Personal Name (NR)</reference>
        <shortCode>MARC 21</shortCode>
        <entityType value="family"/>		
        <nameEntry status="authorized">
            <part localType="100$a">Mozart</part>
            <part localType="100$c">Familie : 17.-19. Jh.</part>