Relation to a CPF entity

Schema: EAC-CPF 2.0

Context: Describe the relationship between the entity described and a person, family or corporate body.

Description: Use the wrapper element <relation> to include all information about the related entity and the character of the relation. Use the required child element <targetEntity> to provide a name of the related entity. Use the optional child element <relationType> to specify the type of relation. Use the optional child element <targetRole> to specify the role of the related entity. Use <date>, <dateRange>, or <dateSet> for specifying the time period of the relationship and <place> for relevant location information. <descriptiveNote> may be included for more detailed specifications or explanations of the relationship.

If needed, use <objectXMLWrap> to embed XML documenting the related entity from any (or no) namespace.


  <targetEntity targetType="person" valueURI="" vocabularySource="GND" vocabularySourceURI="">
    <part>Baden, GroƟherzogin</part>
  <dateRange localTypeDeclarationReference="date1" localType="dateOfBirthAndDeath">
  <relationType valueURI="" vocabularySource="RiC-O" vocabularySourceURI="">has family association with</relationType>