Agency codes

Schema: EAC-CPF 2.0

Context: Code or identifier for the institution or service responsible for the creation, maintenance, and/or dissemination of the EAS instance.

Description: Identify the institution or service responsible for the present EAS instance with a unique code or identifier, preferably according to the International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL), ISO 15511:2019, within the element <agencyCode>. If this is not the case then Local institution codes may be given with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code as the prefix to aim for international uniqueness.

Use the attribute @status with the value “authorized” or “alternative” to declare whether the agency code is using an authorized value, e.g. a registered ISIL code, or an alternative one.

Use <otherAgencyCode> to record any alternative codes representing the agency.


  <agencyCode status="authorized" vocabularySource="ISIL" vocabularySourceURI="">US-ctybr</agencyCode>
  <agencyName>Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library</agencyName>
  <otherAgencyCode status="authorized" valueURI="" vocabularySource="MARC Code List for Organizations" vocabularySourceURI="">CtY-BR</otherAgencyCode>
  <otherAgencyCode status="alternative" valueURI="" vocabularySource="Wikidata" vocabularySourceURI=""> Q814779</otherAgencyCode>