Multi-level lists

Schema: EAC-CPF 2.0

Context: Using multi-level lists in the context of narrative description to convey more complex structures.

Description: Next to allowing for the use of repeated <item> elements to create simple lists, the element <list> can also be used recursively, i.e. <list> can also include another <list>. Such multi-level lists can be of help when encoding more complex structures, e.g. a table of content of a person’s main publication in <biogHist> or in <generalContext>, or a family tree or an organizational chart in the context of <structureOrGenealogy>. Depending on the use case, there might be <item> and <list> elements next to each other within <list>, e.g. when representing the person being described as an <item> and including their children as <item>-s within a nested <list> on the same level. Especially with multi-level lists, the use of the optional element <head> would be recommended to indicate the relation of each nested <list> to their parent <list> or to the main <list> overall.


            <entityType value="person"/>
                <part localType="firstname">Johan Sebastian</part>
                <part localType="lastname">Bach</part>
            <!-- [...] -->
                <!-- [...] -->
                <list listType="unordered">
                    <head>Children of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach</head>
                    <item>Catharina Dorothea Bach</item>
                    <item>Wilhelm Friedemann Bach</item>
                        <head>Children of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach</head>
                        <item>Friederica Sophia Bach</item>
                        <item>Two sons who did not live past infancy</item>
                    <item>Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach</item>
                        <head>Children of Carl Philipp Emanual Bach</head>
                        <item>Johann Adam Bach</item>
                        <item>Anna Carolina Philippina Bach</item>
                        <item>Johann Sebastian Bach ("the Younger")</item>
                        <item>Other children who did not live to adulthood</item>
                        <item>Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach</item>
                        <item>Three more children who did not live to their first birthday</item>
                <list listType="unordered">
                    <head>Children of Johann Sebastian Bach and Anna Magdalena Wilcken</head>
                    <item>Gottfried Heinrich Bach</item>
                    <item>Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach</item>
                        <head>Children of Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach</head>
                        <item>Anna Philippiana Friederica Bach</item>
                        <item>Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach</item>
                            <head>Children of Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach</head>
                            <item>Carolina Auguste Wilhelmine Bach</item>
                            <item>Juliane Friederica Bach</item>
                        <item>Christine Luise Bach</item>
                    <item>Johann Christian Bach</item>
                    <item>Elisabeth Juliane Friederica Bach</item>
                        <head>Children of Elisabeth Juliane Friederica Bach</head>
                        <item>Johann Sebastian Altnickol</item>
                    <item>Johanna Carolina Bach</item>
                    <item>Regina Susanna Bach</item>
                    <item>Six more children who did not live to adulthood</item>
            <entityType value="person"/>
                <part localType="firstname">Charles Robert</part>
                <part localType="lastname">Darwin</part>
            <!-- [...] -->
                <!-- [...] -->
                <list listType="unordered">
                    <head>The Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of 
                    Favoured Races in the Struggle of Life, 6th edition, with additions and corrections, 1873
                    <item>Additions and corrections, to the sixth edition</item>
                    <item>Historical sketch</item>
                    <item>Chapter I - Variation under Domestication</item>
                        <item>Causes of Variability</item>
                        <item>Effects of Habit and the use or disuse of Parts</item>
                        <item>Correlated Variation</item>
                        <item>Character of Domestic Varieties</item>
                        <item>Difficulty of distinguishing between Varieties and Species</item>
                        <item>Origin of Domestic Varieties from one or more Specie</item>
                        <item>Domestic Pigeons, their Differences and Origin</item>
                        <item>Principles of Selection, anciently followed, their Effects</item>
                        <item>Methodical and Unconscious Selection</item>
                        <item>Unknown Origin of our Domestic Productions</item>
                        <item>Circumstances favourable to Man's power of Selection</item>
                    <item>Chapter II - Variation under Nature</item>
                        <!-- [...] -->
                    <item>Chapter III - Struggle for Existence</item>
                        <!-- [...] -->
                    <!-- [...] -->
                    <item>Chapter XV - Recapitulation and Conclusion</item>
                        <!-- [...] -->
                    <item>Glossary of Scientific Terms</item>